Our Story

Tiffany: Ever since I was a kid, I have loved to craft and make things. I would spend hours piddling with glitter glue and construction paper just to present my mom with some homemade concoction to hang on the fridge. I even wrote a note to a glitter company when I was seven to express my undying love for it. 
After many years of wondering what it would be like to get to do something that I love for a living, I decided to take a leap of faith. 
One morning, while admiring a particularly beautiful Texas sunrise, something in me said, "Now's the time. Go for it. Now is the time to chase that dream." I firmly believe God has a plan for you, you just have to be willing to listen to that little voice inside that tells you where to go and what to do. 
So with a dream in my heart, and a paintbrush in my hand, I set out to create something special.
That day, The Festive Farmgirl was born. 
Raised as the daughter of a small town cotton farmer; school teacher by day, crafter and dreamer by night, I was taking a giant leap out of my comfort zone by starting a business.
Although there have been some major learning curves, (shoutout to all my technology and social media impaired friends!) I have persisted. You can't help but follow your dreams when God leads you to them. 


Cody: While sitting in the garage one day with a couple friends, we started talking about how we always wanted to run our own business making great handmade woodworking projects that last for years. We also wanted to offer household services that could help others. With that, BK&S (backroad krafts&services) was born! From making desks, coffee tables, and custom woodworking items, as well as painting walls, repairing fishing piers, and installing Christmas light displays on houses; we grew quickly and made lots of new friends in our customers. After 3 years in business, life took us in new and different directions. Even though my friends were busy with their new adventures, I always kept my passion for making things and working with my hands. 

The Farmhouse Market Co: